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gray hair
ways to hide gray hair 

ways to hide gray hair 


Hello , today our topic will be about the causes of white hair and how to reduce it for men and women .

Turning gray is a natural progression a while ago .

Gray hair usually begins on different sides in great poets, and it is also noticeable, some people become gray, as in gray and gray in some areas without others . 

This difference in the degree of graying is due to the difference in the quality of the hair itself and the presence of a genetic factor. It is also affected by the psychological state, as it is noticeable that psychological stress accelerates the occurrence of graying. It was also found that the lack of some nutrients, the most important of which are copper, folic acid, and vitamin B complex of all kinds may accelerate the occurrence of graying. In the occurrence of graying, therefore, resisting the occurrence of graying calls for the need to pay attention to filling the body's need from these previous elements, in addition to achieving comfort and psychological stability . 

So, let's move  to know different tips to hide gray hair .  

simple way to cover gray hair naturally at home 

➡Sage plant is one of the best natural herbs that can be used to darken hair color

It can also be considered that this recipe is a natural hair dye . 

Ingredients : 

  -  4 tablespoons of sage leaves

 -  Half a cup of water

 -  2 tablespoons of henna

-  1 tablespoon of clove powder

 -  Half a cup of boiling tea

Preparation method : 

The sage plant is boiled abundantly, then the boiled is left to cool and then filtered

Add the cloves and tea to the boiling, stirring, then add the henna


This mixture is placed on the hair and scalp, kept for 30 minutes, and then rinsed with normal water

Another recipe

Soak 4 tablespoons of sage leaves in two cups of boiling water for two hours, then use this soaked after it cools down and filters it in the hair dye every evening before bed, noting that the hair is painted with a lock from the roots to the ends . 

Anaother home remedies  for a gray hair 

Get ride of white hair  without dye : 

➡ sesame soaked

Take two tablespoons of sesame seeds and soak them in a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes, then use this soaked to paint the hair, repeating the paint three times a day.

➡ Vitamin  B complex

The researchers report that daily intake of vitamin B complex, in addition to a dose of 300 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, restores hair to its original color within about two months.

➡ hide hair gray by using bannana 

Ingredients : 

a banana. Medium sized carrot. Two tablespoons of honey. Half a tablespoon of olive oil

How to prepare and use : 

Cut the carrots and bananas into small pieces, then boil them in water. Put the soft pieces in the blender with the yogurt and honey to get a smooth paste. Put the paste on the entire scalp and hair, then cover the hair using a shower cap, leave it for 45 minutes and finally wash the hair with cold water, then wash it with a mild shampoo after the required period has passed . 

how to increase melanine in hair 

the simply way is to use  food that increse melanine : 

1 - Iron reach food  

Iron helps to boost the production of melanin in your hair. Foods rich in iron are dark green vegetables like spinach, legumes, broccoli , dark chocolate, fish, bananas, tomatoes, soybeans, lentils, nuts, and seeds like cashew, peanuts, flax seeds, pumpkin, etc.

2 - food rich in copper :

since copper play a role in production of melanine you will also want to include the followungs food into your diet  such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, dark chocolate, avocados,  amond , lentils , beef liver , ect ..

3- food with vitamins A , C and E :  

such as 

  • Wheat germ oil , Sunflower, safflower, and soybean oilSunflower seeds.Almond . 

henna on white hair 

henna has alot  of tonics of proteins that contribute to the nourishment of the hair and its luster, and it can also be used to hide white hair permanently and give a very wonderful color to the hair .

Ingredients  that you need : 

  • 1-2 tablespoons of black tea leaves
  • 2-3 tablespoons of henna powder (adjust the quantity)
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Applicator brush
  • A mixing bowl
how to prepare it : 

1-  Boil the black tea leaves in water for a while. Once it starts bubbling, let it simmer on low heat until the water reduces to half. The water should be in proportion to the quantity of henna powder you use , always use natural henna powder . 

2 - prepare henna mask : Soak the henna powder in water for around 8 hours or overnight. Mix the henna paste, black tea, and lemon juce . 

3 -   Use the applicator brush to cover the section from root to tip. Repeat with all the hair sections. Wear a disposable shower cap  and wait for at least 30 minutes for the hair to absorb the paste . 

4- wash it all  . 
henna on white hair result
Henna on white hair result 

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